Ebony Rose

Ebony Rose


His lips traced patterns of veins

Underneath alabaster skin

Ran his tongue along the edge of her eyelashes

Lapped at the drop of sweat

or was it a tear?

The smell of her body inflamed him

Awoke the beast in him yet again

The curve of her body inspired him

Drowned him in a siren’s song

He ran his fingers through silken hair

Black as night, as long as time

Ebony Rose, his voice caressed her lips

He looked into her eyes

Sapphire blue, lidded, half closed

He buried his face into her neck

Breathed in her smell

Of spice and woman,

of flesh and blood

He licked the moisture from he skin

Savoured every drop

Ran his tongue along the wound

Searching for more

Knowing there would be none

Nuzzled his head against her breast

Placed her hand on his face

And cried.

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