minuet of love

Minuet of Love


Tread carefully, my love

for a single misstep

will surely bring this house of cards down

Be careful of your words of love, my dear

if you rush me, you may lose me

Are they words of commitment?

Are you sure this is what you want?

You have my time, my thoughts and my body

What else is there to give?

Will you want it anyway?

Define our relationship and it may blow away

Torn down by a whirlwind of expectations

We have all the comforts of being us

Together but not as one

Each step forward must be carefully timed

Don’t break the rhythm of our fall

But there are times when I hold you

that I ache to tell you that I care

that I love being around you

that I look forward to hearing your voice

that I like it when you say I’m yours

that I want you to be mine

But if I say the words then the dance is over

and the struggle has just begun

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